People who are still afraid of dietary fat from the anti-fat craze of the 80s and 90s.
If you’re watching weight, cutting calories from milk of all places is the worst place to do it. At least from whole down to skim. All the healthy stuff actually just so happens to be in the tasty part, the cream, since milk does these thing of mixing the ”sugar” into the cream in the form of Lactose. Cutting that out just leaves you with a worst-tasting, less nutritious beverage aside from the fewer calories.
If you want fewer calories but still have nutrition, soy is the way to go.
People who are still afraid of dietary fat from the anti-fat craze of the 80s and 90s.
If you’re watching weight, cutting calories from milk of all places is the worst place to do it. At least from whole down to skim. All the healthy stuff actually just so happens to be in the tasty part, the cream, since milk does these thing of mixing the ”sugar” into the cream in the form of Lactose. Cutting that out just leaves you with a worst-tasting, less nutritious beverage aside from the fewer calories.
If you want fewer calories but still have nutrition, soy is the way to go.
The soy would be great if they made it less salty. It’s usually much cheaper than cow titty juice in my region.
I’ve found the shelf-stable tetra-pak versions usually have fewer ingredients. Trader Joe’s brand here in the US is just soybeans and water.
I forgot those existed. I don’t have trader joes but I’ll check the relevant section for equivalent products next shopping haul.
Why not go for buttermilk instead. The brunt of those dietary fats they are so scared of is in the butter…