belated again, we’re once again busy but everything continues to run smoothly. hoping for no huge migration, also we’re updating to 0.18 Soon

i am unimaginably sleepy

    2 years ago

    We’ve moved with our cat twice now and are preparing for our third. We’re very lucky in that my partner’s parents live in the same city, so we always take the cat to their house, leave her there while we get everything moved, and then take her to the new place once it’s ready. That seems to stress her out less than moving everything while she’s around, and she gets a nice vacation out of the deal!

    She’s maybe a little nervous for the first day or two, but always seems to settle in quickly. She also does this adorable thing whenever she goes somewhere new. She’ll slowly walk along the perimeter of each room, mapping it out and sniffing everything, and when she’s ready, she’ll go on to the next room and repeat. It’s really quite something to watch!