Hey all, I’ve got ZFS pool created and just create a VM drive in that pool like normal, then Jellyfin just has that drive mounted. I think I’m losing the best parts of ZFS through this manner.
How should I set this up properly? Create a media pool or something and have VMs accessing the pool directly?
Setting up an SMB or NFS share is the correct answer because op has stated he plans to use VMs (plural). ZFS is not sharable without it. https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Storage
There are forum posts going back years about it :https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/share-zfs-storage-between-nodes.144790/ https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/create-a-large-pool-of-shared-zfs-storage.94435/
TrueNAS is not absolutely required. It can be done with a different Linux distro. I use/prefer Debian.
It just seems to be the favorite. Anything would work. OMV, EasyNAS, OpenFiler, Rockstor, even just base *nix with the appropriate packages and config.