In a while crocodile.
Later, alligator
you and 3 of your limbs
That is a fat gator. Must have eaten something large, so maybe not so hungry? I still wouldn’t try to find out.
He ate the last person that asked to get by
I’m not sure gators understand the idea of not being hungry.
This reminds of a joke.
You know where a 500kg gorilla sits?
Wherever he sees fit.
Are you willing to argue with him about it?
What do you call a tyrannosaurus that’s deaf?
Anything ya want, he can’t hear ya!
What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn’t matter, he’s not gonna come to you anyway!
That’s a nice one!
Me frfr
A wild Crocolax is blocking your path.
Typical gator around here is 4-6". Being that they won’t attack anything larger than them, no worries, especially in a kayak or canoe.
If I saw that motherfucker cruising the swamp, I’d be near panic. Even with a trolling motor on the canoe, I can’t move faster than that animal.
Inches from eyes to snout ~= feet in length. That dude has to be 15’, and I’m being conservative.
bro’s going to give out a side quest
What is your name? What is your quest? What… is your favorite colour?