I’m a dumbass and had someone come out and install a 240v outlet (and 120v). The reason I’m a dumbass is I didn’t measure and had them install it in a place it wouldn’t work for the appliance I am using.

I need to move the outlet a lot closer to the breaker box so I won’t need additional wire or material, less actually.

I’m debating doing this myself. I technically have an EE degree but my day job is primarily coding, and any electronics I’ve worked on are usually the micro variety. I am aware of all the electrical safety requirements and in terms of technicality/connections, I think I just need to copy what has already been done but just remove a bunch of wire and place the outlet closer.

Do you think this is something I could take on myself with some research? My brother-in-law is also a proper electrician and I can facetime him.

Or do you think I should just ask the guys who installed it back and have them do it?

  • Balthazar@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    If you don’t 100% know exactly what you’re doing and 240 volts is involved, you shouldn’t do it.

    120 volts will give you a nice little shock, but 240 volts will kill you.