Dark reader my beloved
Essential for those brave enough to access unknown web pages at night
all hail dark reader
my retinas have been thanking me
There are a select few times that Dark Reader makes a button or text invisible and I have to turn it off and I’m reminded of how terribly bright websites normally are. Dark Reader creates a vastly improved website viewing experience.
For the lazy firefox users: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/darkreader/
Wish that existed for several mobile apps that refuse to have a dark mode. I could force it with some dev options but it kinda breaks the apps somewhat. The worse thing is they have dark modes on ios or some other people’s phones but never mine for whatever reason 😒 🙄
Dark reader and adblock are the first extensions that get installed whenever I setup a new browser
Can’t stand the internet without em
I hate bright mode pages
Quitting Elden Ring at 1am.
- the last text ever read before my optic nerves spontaneously combusted.
pov: me starting ace combat 7 at 3 am
Hahahhahaha this just happened to me last night and it legit kept me awake for another 30 fucking minutes….
The dark reader extension has really helped my neighbours not noticing that I am still using my computer even at night
Or when you flux/redshift/nightshift takes a while to do it’s thing….
deleted by creator
I even have that problem with Lemmy when I scroll to a bright image.
In the beginning …
I’m one of those genetically malfunctioned ones that prefer lightmode.
It’s just more readable.
I find the bright light makes it hard to read at night. To each there own, I just wish my screen would auto dim when I open a bright photo/meme.
I’m the same it’s just I don’t often use any devices late into the night. If anyone knows how to have KDE switch between 2 themes depending on time then please let me, or us, know.
I prefer light or dark depending on the time of day. I must not be alone, because Android has had that option built in for years.
Especially when you have a light source other than the screen. Which everybody should.
These pipes… are clean!
And how.
Hate how extensions dont work on firefox related websites and they always explode on my face
Addon or userstyle to make things dark.