Marx was right about so many things it’s wild considering he was writing about this shit in the late 1800s. He wasn’t perfect but the fact that so much of it rings true in 2024 is impressive.
But like Jesus, it’s his fucking followers that are so goddamn annoying.
And the whole read more theory bro shit is fucking ableist and classist. I had a brain injury as a teenager and I struggle with longer reads especially stuff written in a version of English that isn’t current (sure it’s not Shakespeare which is impossible to me even before the TBI but it’s also not 2024 English) and also very dense. Most Americans can’t read beyond a sixth grade level, good luck getting them to read theory when they won’t even read simple novels for pleasure.
And no amount of theory reading is going to make this anarchist support an authoritarian system. I don’t trust people in power even if they’re people I agree with. There’s something fundamentally wrong with people who seek power regardless of ideology…
I struggle with longer reads especially stuff written in a version of English that isn’t current and also very dense.
The marx madness podcast was started with the intent to fill this obvious gap and make theory just a little more approachable. Highly recommend even if you aren’t able to read along and just use the podcast as a kind of sparknotes.
Marx was right about so many things it’s wild considering he was writing about this shit in the late 1800s. He wasn’t perfect but the fact that so much of it rings true in 2024 is impressive.
But like Jesus, it’s his fucking followers that are so goddamn annoying.
And the whole read more theory bro shit is fucking ableist and classist. I had a brain injury as a teenager and I struggle with longer reads especially stuff written in a version of English that isn’t current (sure it’s not Shakespeare which is impossible to me even before the TBI but it’s also not 2024 English) and also very dense. Most Americans can’t read beyond a sixth grade level, good luck getting them to read theory when they won’t even read simple novels for pleasure.
And no amount of theory reading is going to make this anarchist support an authoritarian system. I don’t trust people in power even if they’re people I agree with. There’s something fundamentally wrong with people who seek power regardless of ideology…
The marx madness podcast was started with the intent to fill this obvious gap and make theory just a little more approachable. Highly recommend even if you aren’t able to read along and just use the podcast as a kind of sparknotes.
Thanks I’ll check it out
Mikhail Bakunin sounds more your speed tan Marx
Probably. It’s on my reading list that I can’t seem to get to lol