As far as I know, modern math is mostly dealing with set theory and some imaginary 17D pringles in empty space, while modern physics is dealing with some imaginary 17D pringles in… uh…
Well, to put it this way, if decent writing is a prerequisite for doing math, does that mean that all math is essentially just applied poetry?
How relevant is this to modern Physics?
As far as I know, modern math is mostly dealing with set theory and some imaginary 17D pringles in empty space, while modern physics is dealing with some imaginary 17D pringles in… uh…
Well, to put it this way, if decent writing is a prerequisite for doing math, does that mean that all math is essentially just applied poetry?
What do you mean by modern physics, exactly?
In general, even simple problems can get very messy very fast without simplifying the scenario.