I can’t help but always worry that one day I’ll need paper books. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like I should start collecting paper books instead of every single book I have is on my Kobo. Which do you do? If you get paper books, is there a source that sells cheaper books. Books are kind of pricey where I look.

  • ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The method I used actually (currently) doesn’t require a physical Kindle. I just had to download a specific version of Kindle for PC (Version 2.3.70682) and was able to quickly and easily use the Calibre extension to remove the DRM.

    I’m not super confident it’ll always work, so I’m not planning on buying more books from Amazon, but it’s a good solution to pull my existing library into the ePub world.