I can’t help but always worry that one day I’ll need paper books. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like I should start collecting paper books instead of every single book I have is on my Kobo. Which do you do? If you get paper books, is there a source that sells cheaper books. Books are kind of pricey where I look.

  • Truffle@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I use both depending on what I need from them. For example, if it is a trashy/novelty book that I don’t care much about and just use it to pass time, I will use digital.

    If it is a book I have wanted for a long time or an art book for references or a book I want tied to a place (I try to read a new book whenever I vacation somewhere new so the memories of said book are related to my trip) I buy physical. I love love the smell of ink and old books.