The fuck??? How is the human not bringing this dog IN the store??? Looks like a rockstar, with places to be, and peoples lives to brighten with his presence.
I hope this wasn’t taken in the cold part of the country…wait, this is Lemmy. This could be ANYWHERE on earth. It BETTER be warm…
Definitely not that cold today. It was maybe 60F (15C). Puppers was just fine, though those snow boots made for some awkward waddling when I went to say hello. Funniest shit I’ve seen all week!
Cool! I had just gotten back from being in the cold for 40 minutes. 21F here. For 40 minutes. High winds. I was miserable. And then I saw that dog pic, and I was like "I’m gonna be mad if that dog is being forced to go through what I’m going through.
Cool but sunny, check out his shades and puffy jacket. His ski bag is probably in the car.
Bowie’s long lost cousin. Dressed like a rockstar.
Looks like the villain in a 90’s stoner movie about snowboarding