No one would start intentionally shopping for a phone priced that high just by looking at this ad. It has to be a more literal clickbait.
UPDATE: I did not consider the currency. The number of responses mentioning currency tells me that’s what I overlooked. I am no longer even mildly infuriated and am therfore a liar 😅
See my hand wave remark. I may not have kids but am old enough that a few of my mates are starting. I’ll ask one if he thinks this series of incredibly unlikely events (that ignore lock after time limit, face ID for payment methods, common sense) would work with his child but I suspect the response will be laughter.
Far more likely is people giving these devices to children inappropriately and them figuring this stuff out rather than kids “mashing buttons” into purchasing things from Amazon. Do appreciate the classic “yOu MuSt NoT hAvE kIDs” response to literally any form of parental criticism though.
“But I learned it from you!” 😭
I don’t see how those statements are incongruent or worthy of being particularly funny. Must be a parent thing I guess.