The Greater Sooty Owl is a resident of the wet tropical forest of Australia and New Guinea. There is also a Lesser Sooty sometimes grouped in, but it has a very limited range in North Queensland. They are the most massive of the Barn Owl family, though the Tasmanian Masked Owls are longer overall. This dark owl dotted with white speckles can let out a piercing 2 second shriek. Their primary diet are the mammals sharing the trees with them, gliders, possums, bandicoots, and bats.

For many of us, the Great Horned Owl will need no introduction. This is one of the largest owls of the Americas, and has a wider ranger than any owl but the Barn Owls. Its iconic hoot strikes fear into almost every animals in the forest - not even porcupines nor skunks or turkeys are safe from talons with more crushing power than an eagle, and even most dogs. They also have no problem going head to head with Bald Eagles over territory in epic back and forth battles. They may also be the longest lived owl, living up to 30 years in the wild and 50 in captivity.

Can you decide between these two great “Great” owls? Are you sucked down to the darkness with the goth Sooty, or will GHO crush its competition? Upvote your favorite now!

#superbowl #owloftheyear2024

  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    Indian Scops never stood a chance against the Burrow Owl. It’s a great owl for sure, but Burrow has too much going for it.

    Last year Sooty knocked out the Eagle Owl in a big surprise. GHO was taken out by Flammy first round as well. Is this year going to be better for the big owls?