TLDR: Mojang is is breaking the law by changing EULA terms without informing anyone while claiming stuff that is written down on their end breaks the EULA without proof of the text that makes it banned, that making it a one sided contract. They also are allowing stuff on the market place which the EULA already bans.

    3 months ago

    Spammer? Their lasts two posts were 2 weeks ago and 1 month ago. What the fuck are you talking about?

    I’ve seen the video, he wants to sue but I’m not sure the process has started yet.

    I don’t know, but he seems to have actual contract breaches to sue over, a real stake in it as a mod developer. Mojang is trying to just force out every mod with a weapon more historically recent than the crossbow.

    Ultimately I think this is going to be another case of gamers voluntarily ignoring overreach and allowing corporate complete sovereignty over the software. Just like the Ubisoft game deletion thing, “StopKillingGames”. Gamers just don’t want to get in the way of Bobby, Phil and Guillemot.