Depending on how the next four years go I’m on the fence between Bush Jr. and Trump but I’d like to hear from you


Top 10 suggestions so far (unordered):

  • Andrew Jackson
  • Andrew Johnson
  • George W. Bush Jr
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Richard Nixon
  • James K. Polk
  • Woodrow Wilson
  • James Buchanan
  • Franklin Pierce
  • Donald J. Trump
  • TheDrink [he/him]
    4 months ago

    We literally impeached him for threatening to not send weapons there for the civil war that ended up exploding into the full scale invasion.

    Ah yes, the impeachment that accomplished so much and is extremely relevant.

    I don’t care what Trump said or would have preferred, under his administration our government continued to fuel and escalate tensions in the region when we should have been pushing Ukraine to implement Minsk II and end the civil war. Maybe you could classify it as a mistake on his part instead of malice that he didn’t stop the arms shipments even though he really wanted to, but people are still liable for mistakes.

    you know we genocided an entire continent of people, right? And continue to?

    I literally cited an episode from that genocide as my reasoning for Jackson being the worst president.