If the price gouging of 2020 and everything following that too. If the housing market crashes didn’t budge anyone. If the abundance of so many subscription services didn’t. If poorly chosen representatives didn’t.

If just the high cost of simply living life isn’t doing anything.

Then what the fuck will anymore?

  • kozy138@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    I personally think it will take a complete shift in human mentality. One that will only come about via artistic movements, whether that be music, painting, film, or even propaganda posters.

    IMO, art is the most important factor for bring about such a massive cultural shift. Kind of like how art in the Renaissance caused people to view life more scientifically and logically instead of based purely of faith.

    Similarly, art from the the hippie movement in the 70s promoted peace and love instead of competitiveness, war and destruction.