Radio-Canada contacted the 17 named MPs several times; none of them responded to interview requests. Those whom Radio-Canada tried to approach in person refused to comment.
“This is no time to play politics with housing,” one Conservative source said. “Cities are entitled to their fair share of the pie, even if it comes from the Liberal government.”
That sums it up.
I don’t know if I’m naive and this happens all the time, but it feels like an import of our neighbours base partisanship against ANYTHING the liberals propose based on it coming from them and not from the cons.
Disappointed, but unfortunately not surprised.
Not really an import, this ha been the direction right-wing politics has been shifting since Harper. (And he’s still pulling Poilievre’s puppet strings.)
I think that it might be the other way around.
US politics have only relatively recently become so clearly cut along party lines, whereas in Canadian parliament votes in the house are almost always ‘whipped’ ie MPs are basically obligated by their party to vote the party line.
Just perfectly on-brand.
This is another bullshit play straight out of the MAGA playbook. Undermine the current administration so you can campaign that we need to vote for them to fix it.
Trump got republican senators to block a bipartisan bill that would have allocated more funding to the border patrol needed to address illegal immigration, then used immigration as a campaign issue.
PP gets conservative MP to hinder the liberal’s efforts to address the affordable housing crisis so he can push his narrative of how the CPC will ‘build the homes” that the liberals failed to do.
It makes me angry that is going to work.
LMFAO, get fucked CPC, you and the Liberals haven’t represented anyone other than corporations in years.
You picked your pile of dogshit, CPC MPs, go roll around it in.
Based on experience south of border or in AB - all the dissent goes out the window and everybody falls in line come election time. I’d like to believe that any of the major Canadian parties has members genuinely caring for their constituencies but given our electoral system and governing system that is out the window as hyper-partisanship is a natural step in current system’s evolution. Parties prevent democracy by forcing their members to follow party line and not their electorate needs.