First of all. This is not another “how do I exit vim?” shitpost.

I’ve been using (neo)vim for about two years and I started to notice, that I,m basically unable to use non-vim editors. I do not code a lot, but I write a lot of markown. I’d like to use dedicated tools for this, but their vim emulators are so bad. So I’m now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.

Any help or advice?

    7 months ago

    To your “never got the appeal”.

    Ngl for me using vim is the only option. If something needs to be done using a mouse, it’s just not going to be done. I can’t aim properly due to problems with my arms, and it itches something in my brain everytime I try, it makes me literally furious and enraged.

    I tried using zed, but quickly found out that I can only control the text field with motions, nothing else.

    If I try using mouse, speed of anything I do gets multiplied by 0.1.

    Thanks to vim, I’m able to work with loads of text at all.

    Simple as that.