I’m a leftie and god damn I get lots of comments about it.
Oh you are a leftie? I never noticed! Did you now that other guy you don’t know or care about is a leftie too?!
@Quintus It can get annoying. It certainly is distracting.
Yeah, gotta be wary of those sinister people…
Edited question, but hahahaha
Are you left-handed? Because that
Edited question
was kind of sinister.
Yes, I capture them and put them on a pyre.
Praised be our lord! Finally a good person in this thread
For the night is dark and full of lefties.
We have a work area with school desks for some reason, of the crappy right-handed variety. So I notice when colleagues awkwardly try to use the desks and they’re left-hand dominant.
I have a friend who is left-handed and insists on shaking hands left-handed. She will stare down anyone until they offer their left hand or do a weird fingertip shake with their right. Anyone who manages to shake her left hand without looking like a goober, she excitedly welcomes to the left handed club.
No. Why would I?
Yes. I want to know if they are a south paw before they find out I slept with their wife.
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Okay I’ll be the hero and say it since nobody yet has:
I don’t see the world through that lens.
Takes a bow, fends off photographers.
I don’t but I sometimes get comments on why I hold fork and knife like a lefty.
I’m left-handed myself, but I never notice if others are.
It seems like it used to be a bigger thing a few decades ago, when writing by hand was more common.
I don’t notice which hand they use, but more often than not, lefties will write with their hand curved over (and smudging) the text they just wrote instead of from beneath (and not smudging.) That’s when I notice. So when I notice, I don’t say, “You know you could prevent getting graphite (or ink) everywhere…” I say, “Ah. Leftie.”
I have seen righties do the same weird smudging with the arced wrist. Why do people write like that?
Because people learn how to write as young children in a place that typically has no experience with a proper technique for left-handed people, and re-learning how to write is not as easy as thinking to yourself that a different way would be better.
It’s probably good you don’t say the “you know” because that would be dumb as fuck.
That’s extremely noticeable with left handed people trying to draw on whiteboards
I write left handed
Happy day to you
Happy day to you too!
What about my good day? I am right handed.
I only noticed with my partner after they already told me they were a lefty, and we were working together one day and kept bumping each other.
Now we make sure that I sit on the right and they sit on the left.
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