• Paragone@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Yes I saw the other one saying the same words…

    That is incredible work.

    However, I’m not interested in the instruments…

    The Right-hemisphere-dominance that that was done in, is AWESOME!

    The wholeness, the its-own-formed-suchness, of everything in that…

    Our world needs much more of this kind of meaning!

    IF you ever find yourself wanting to render stories, like manga, or something,

    THEN THE books to read, are John Truby’s “The Anatomy of Genres”, & “The Anatomy of Story”.

    ( the equivalent for story-editing is Coyne’s “The Story Grid”, btw )

    Truby’s wrong about what humor’s base is ( humor is strange-loop, or moebius-strip,

    where one walks you around a circle, but … now somehow you’re upside-down for some reason??

    IOW, humor is surprisingly-violated expectations, see?

    Also, it isn’t US Wild West village that is the archetypal village: the archetypal village is the Tribal Mother Village, of the previous … 2 million or so years!

    But the entire sea of psychology he’s crammed into those 2 books, if you’re interested in outclassing your younger-self as totally as you can, evolving as far, & as competently as possible, then please dig into those 2.

    Even reading the samples of them would hook you, wouldn’t it?

    ( :

    Notice that he explains the genres have to be understood in sequence, because of the psychological-development each one is concentrating-on…

    Anyways, thank you very much for making my day much richer, with your good work to see.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!

    _ /\ _

    • Paragone@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      BTW, yes, after commenting I realized that the poster wasn’t the artist,

      but if the actual-artist ever comes-across the recommendation above, then good.

      If not, the recommendation still stands: Truby, the son of a West Point general & instructor, who studied story, is a true researcher.

      _ /\ _