I‘m relatively new to birding and don’t have a car (or a driving license) so my lifer count isn’t all that high yet.

I started almost exactly a year ago (around the end of June 2022) and am now at just under 110 lifers. Most of these were seen around my neighborhood or in nearby towns. There’s a few nice nature reserves that are somewhat easy to reach by train, bus and bicycle and I’m intending on going there a bit more frequently once I get my new bike!

How about you? Oh and I’m from Bielefeld, a city in North-Western Germany.

  • pdanese14@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Funny! I got my 111th today (Acadian flycatcher)–heard, seen, and photographed (extremely blurry).

    I’ve been doing this for a few years, so I probably suck at it. I figure most people with even a touch of skill would be at double my number. But it’s still more fun than a sack of ocelots.

    edit: to be clear, I have a driver’s license, car, and I do this a fair amount, so you’re WAYYYY ahead of me! LOL