Hi all,

I’m attempting to change careers into landscape design/architecture, but I’m struggling to gain professional experience.

I’ve applied to 4 different job in the field, interviewed at one, but haven’t had enough “professional experience” to land any of the jobs. Any tips on how to proceed? I was thinking about keeping my current job while also trying freelance for very nominal pay, but I’m not really sure how to go about that either.

For background, I’ve been at my current (unrelated) job for 6 years, took a community college class on AutoCAD, did a planting plan for a friend, and put together a portfolio (work in CAD, Photoshop, SketchUp, and physical media). I have some experience with plant nurseries, and a degree in biology. An in-person college architecture program is not option due to distance and expense, and I can’t find any online programs. My portfolio gets compliments, but I seem to need more drafting experience.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    My two cents:

    Outside of licensing and whatnot, which you should definitely look into, one idea to build experience is to approach friends, family, and your neighbors. Do work for them, and ask for them to review your work. You can also go on Facebook and NextDoor and appeal to folks there for small jobs, and work your way up. You might even consider getting a job with an existing company and working your way up that way.