
I recently had a coworker mention, " You can’t just smash Japanese beetles because it will only attract more through a pheromone they release when dying."

Is this actually a thing or is he misremembering some old gossip’s tale?

Thanks, DrHugsyMcFur

  • BruceTwarzen@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    Bees do that. I once helped a bee keeper by holding a ladder so he could get the runaway queen out of a tree. There were so many bees, but i kept calm so they leave me alone. One of them stung me in my baseball cap and suddenly i had to book it, because all the vees were suddenly after me. I got stung like 5 times or so. I only later found the stinger and some bee ass in my hat later.

    Also fun fact, getting stung in the eyelid is very uncool.