Hey there everybody
This is a spreadsheet we made to help folks pick out plants for their gardens by sorting and filtering for all sorts of growth habits, uses, and site conditions. Please feel free to make a copy and use it in your software of choice and share it with gardening friends if you like; all we ask is proper attribution. For full disclosure, this is adapted from the Plant Species Matrix found in Edible Forest Gardens vol. 2 by Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier. We lovingly (painstakingly) went line by line to make it again and update a few data points to reflect new information like hardiness zones or pH as well as add the utility of being able to whittle down such a huge list to only what niche you’re looking for.
Guilty as charged. It started as a way for us to avoid cross referencing everything in a few books centered around our bioregion.
There were a few entries where better data was readily available and could be integrated with confidence but others were anecdotal in nature and could be chalked up to differences in cultivation or site conditions, and those were not used. If you have some corrections to offer and some reference for it we’re certainly open to improving the toolkit’s accuracy.