Have and raise children.
They raised me 👉😎👉
Also I’m not having kids.
Hi, are you me?
Omg it’s like looking in a mirror!
My dad is way better at car maintenance and handy work. Machines just talk to him.
I learned a lot about home maintenance and handiwork from my dad, but then I started looking stuff up and realized he’s been stubbornly doing a lot of projects the wrong way.
It ain’t wrong if it gets done.
Why fix what ain’t broke?
— also dad
My dad failed his 11+ so was sent to a technical school so he actually learnt how to lay a row of bricks or how to beat out lead flashing. He did end up doing a PhD in Physics but I suspect his early school years explain why he’s always been much more practical than me. My wife was a stage tech during uni so I’ll happily defer to her for joinery. I can just about solder a copper pipe or big pads on a PCB.
Buy a home for somewhat reasonable percentage of their income and retire ever
Buying a reasonably priced home is easy, it’s just not going to be where you want it to be
Not getting their kid properly checked for ADHD
Handwriting - my god, their handwriting.
I still write like an 8yo :F
My 8yo self had way better handwriting than I have now
Like, with a pen? I remember those.
Know the monetary value of approximately anything at a glance.
For example, when shopping my dad always knew if a sale was real or if they raised the price first.
Unfortunately he never managed to translate that skill into making money even when he owned a small comic store.
It is hard to stay afloat as a comic book store.
Motivate themselves into action.
deleted by creator
Own a home
They successfully don’t know Lemmy.
Why is this being asked in the past tense?
I didn’t even notice. Perhaps OP also no longer has living parents.
It also could be referencing something that they were better at in their prime, but may no longer be able to do due to age. Like answering running if your dad was a professional runner or something.
Take care of me
Going to college, getting a good job after acquiring a degree, holding that job for decades, retiring, being able to afford a middle-class lifestyle.
My dad can keep a job better than me. He’s had like five jobs, each one for over ten years.
I’ve had like 30 jobs, and the longest for maybe 1.5 years. I’ve been fired a handful of times.
Somehow my father can just find a groove and stick with it. In me a dissatisfaction grows really fast and I waver on things.
same here and i think my parents got good at sticking with a groove because they had a family of 7 to feed, cloth, and house; meanwhile i have only had pets that don’t grow up to be shitty self entitled tweens.
My father worked as a builder and a mechanic, so there wasn’t much he couldn’t fix if he put his mind to it.