What’s everyone’s favorite song from the game? Outside of Flute Salad, I have really enjoyed The Militia. The heaviness of some sections of the song mixed with piano is really nice.
Obligatory Sea Shanty 2
Just so nostalgic, and the only song that I will randomly get stuck in my head.
I really like the soundtrack to the wardens in ToA. Don’t remember what it’s called tho
Amascut’s Promise. Certified banger
Fishing, the song that plays in Catherby. It starts with a Stardew Valley-esque, cheerful sound, with waves lapping in the background. And then the tone shifts and a very distinct melody plays that enchants me every time I hear it.
Every day when I plant my papaya trees, I make sure to stay just long enough to hear that melody.
Pick and Shovel from mlm, or Coil from Zulrah. What bangers.
On the Shore - the music that plays in corsair cove. It’s perfect for a group of sailors that feel like all hope is lost.
I really struggle to pick. Tomorrow is great, but probably rest in peace. I can see some other good suggestions here too.
I want to add a special mention for my favourite sound effect - venerate dark altar.
I forgot to listen to rest in peace when I read your comment the first time. It came on random for me just now and that song rocks!
I’m sorry, the correct answer is Sea Shanty 2
Blood Rush from DT2 goes hard imo. It gets way more intense around the time you enter the enraged part of the fight. Another Mod Ash masterclass
Scape Main holds a special place for me. Hearing that play as you loaded up the game back in the day was one of favorite things
I play Scape Main on repeat at work all day lol
Them trumpets go hard
Song of the elves. Absolute banger.
Had it on during the entire puzzle. No guides.