Daily, I play Wordle and 7 Little Words when I first get up, but I was wondering what other types of quick games like that that people play regularly.
Does Duolingo count as a game?
Depends on your approach. I considered creating a community ‘competitive duolingo’, but since we already have two duo comms I decided against that:
I still play Wordle daily, but I’m also a big fan of Cell Tower and Worble
Heardle. Like Wordle but for music.
I like to play the NYT mini crossword every day. I like asking other people for advice on it when I get stuck so it’s both a fun daily game and a good way to do a bit of socializing.
I just lost a streak of 250+ yesterday on wordle :(.
Oof. That hurts.
I do NY Times crosswords. quite challenging as an ESL, but very satisfying. so far I’ve only been able to solve Monday or Tuesday ones, and I still use the “check puzzle” helper to see how many words I got wrong when I’m stuck, but I don’t have to look up stuff online anymore!
The NYT crossword is challenging enough as a native English speaker.
there’s another layer of difficulty when you’re not from the US, as it often requires you to know stuff from US history and culture that you don’t learn and know about abroad. like tHE FUCK KIND OF A THREE LETTER ORG DID NIXON CREATE, WATERGATE IS LONGER THAN THREE LETTERS
I actually know that one, I’m not from the USA either but read it somewhere. It’s apparently the EPA.