I know we don’t get a lot of traction here but thought it was worth throwing it out here. I’ve heard good things! Have you been or are interested in going? Is it not your bag and you have better things to do?
Don’t be shy! Let’s have some discussion!
Got my tickets bought, going in a couple of weeks! HoER was mind blowing in its depth, and then Convergence Station was awe-inspiring in its size, so I’m ready and ready to be blown away
Been to Santa Fe and it required a full day and was complete sensory overload. I’m looking forward to visiting this new one but want to wait for the newness to wear off and get to enjoy it without the crowds.
My advice if you go is to take all of it in. There was so much attention to the details that it’s easy to miss some cool things if you try to move to quickly.
Yeah I’ve been to the Sante Fe one as well and it was awesome. I’ve had low expectations for this exhibit - mostly cuz I don’t frequent that area of town - but I’ve heard it lives up to the hype. I also agree that I think I will let the dust settle a bit before I got exploring there. Thanks for the input!
Dumb question…what is Meow Wolf?
The original in Sante Fe was an awesome spot when I checked it out about 5 years ago. They recently opened a gallery in Grapevine that I believe includes 100 of texas artists’ works.
I definitely want to go at some point. I have some friends that have been to the one in Denver and really liked it.
The wife and I spent 4 hours roaming around the one in Denver and had a great time. We are looking forward to checking out this one, just haven’t made the time for it yet.
I have yet to check out the Denver one but I need to! I need more reasons to go to Denver actually even though I already have plenty!