I get the top hacker news from an RSS feed (https://hnrss.github.io/), individual blogs, YouTube channels, twitter accounts (getting the RSS feeds from bitter), etc
the biggest thing that I would use it for would be individual blogs, I just only have 3 or 4 of those that I follow.
For the others, it doesn’t help me that much to centralize them. Like with the hacker news rss feed, I can’t comment or interact from the rss reader, so I might as well use the website. With twitter, all of my twitter follows are already centralized on twitter; same with youtube.
You could use it as a source for contributing links rather than interacting with existing threads. Which is more important in the early days, particularly for niche communities.
How come?
I get the top hacker news from an RSS feed (https://hnrss.github.io/), individual blogs, YouTube channels, twitter accounts (getting the RSS feeds from bitter), etc
Most websites will have RSS hidden underneath.
the biggest thing that I would use it for would be individual blogs, I just only have 3 or 4 of those that I follow.
For the others, it doesn’t help me that much to centralize them. Like with the hacker news rss feed, I can’t comment or interact from the rss reader, so I might as well use the website. With twitter, all of my twitter follows are already centralized on twitter; same with youtube.
You could use it as a source for contributing links rather than interacting with existing threads. Which is more important in the early days, particularly for niche communities.