I want mine to come out the back so I can be carried like a handbag.
I want mine to come out the back so I can be carried like a handbag.
I have a copy of Stargate on the Gameboy. Great game.
Chocolate has been in my family’s secret chilli recipe for generations. If your chilli tastes sweet or chocolaty you messed up. The current generation uses a spiced mexican grandma chocolate. It balances the acidity out and helps everything harmonize.
If they don’t I’m sure there will be some real inflated charges.
I think the new tcg is one of the best I’ve ever played. If you’re a card game fan it’s worth getting into just from that perspective. As a fan of the anime, there is a whole lot to love. The first movie (us cut) is still one of my all time favorite movies.
That’s a long name
Will they be included with a Canadian residency or will it only be for CanadaPlus?
The hallmark channel in book form
I refuse to find this out.
I recently had to close my store for an hour, because I was the only one working and couldn’t breath due to one customers bad hygiene. People treat me like I’m overly sensitive or making up my discomfort, but to me it feels like being suffocated.
Also I can totally smell roaches, they smell worse than any other thing in existence. Never smelled an ant though. Did not know that was possible.
Find a game store! Every city should have one or two places where people gather to play board games and card games. I’ve met some really great people just jumping into random magic the gathering matches. Only of my best friends was just some dude I met at the card shop, he was looking for a group to play dnd with and we’ve been meeting up once a week ever since.
Apps like meet up (if it’s still a thing?) may be really useful as well.
It’s super helpful to people like me who have been suffering their entire lives. It’s great to feel heard and validated, but the real value is being able to learn about myself. I’ve never been a morning person and have trouble sleeping at night. It’s really nice to hear something other than “you’re just not trying” or “try counting sheep”. It’s a lot better than just thinking I’m flawed. I wish someone would have told my parents this when they used to scream at me for sleeping in too late or not being asleep when they wanted me to be.
It was the same way with my adhd. My parents and teachers kept telling me I was just lazy, or didn’t care when I felt like I was working my butt off. Being ‘worse’ then everyone else ate me alive and I’m still suffering for it. It was the same with my brothers autism. It was the same with my chronic depression. I wish I was born in this age of self reflection and mental health awareness, and for the sake of all the kids like me I really hope we keep pushing forward.
I’m sure your comment was sarcastic, but I’m hijacking it to dump 20 years of built up trama, and to let the world know how thankful I am that we’re starting to accept these labels as more than just flaws. They’re really, really helpful.
Edit to say, I just read the other comments and realize you weren’t being sarcastic. I hope my post helped point out some of the reasons things like this are becoming so important to people.
I don’t think about reddit unless I see these posts. Good for me!
Well we couldn’t give them guns AND beer.
I misread this like three times. Very funny. 10/10 supportive dad joke.
I misread the title and was wondering why the senate needed a dedicated Taylor Swift fan on staff.
They are. In other comments. Some comments are just bad jokes. You can scroll past if they upset you.
Yup, that’s my problem in a nut shell. People make it sound really easy, and I’m sure with enough time and reading it would be, but man is that not just something I can do right now
I would prefer a civilization builder with that kind of personality. Live civ 5 mixed with baulders gate 3, with loads of asthetic choices for my towns, other civilizations to go to war with. Etc. Maybe you could play from the perspective of God, play the majority of the time in a top down cilization style, but then also have the option to go down to your planet as an avatar or profit or whatever and lead in a more hands on fashion to solve different issues. Say your chosen people are losing a war, you could become a great warrior and come down to help for a couple years. Idk, I just really love the idea of a civilization builder that feels more personal and involved.
One family member is disowned by 2 of her 3 children and by proxy, 2 of her grandchildren as well. She’s just one of those people who can excuse anything. She’s an alcoholic, she’s mean to people, and she’s selfish. She has one son left making an effort, but it’s pretty pointless.
One of her other kids that disowned her is turning out the same way. He’s disowned both his parents and keeps finding new ways to be angry at the world. He keeps making excuses and justifying his anger and eventually will have no one left. The only time he reaches out to family is when he needs something, so they are all on thier last straw already. He’s borrowed money from them by falsely using his brother’s name, stolen from family, made an ass out of himself at every turn, and still thinks all his problems are everyone else’s fault.