For those who are curious it’s properly balanced. There are 24 slots available. Pairs: 1-13, 2-14, 6-18, 9-21, 10-22 Triple: 8-16-24 All pairs and triples have their centers of mass on the rotation axis.
This person centrifuges!
What do you do if there’s a prime number of test tubes, like the thirteen in the picture?
drink one
For a 24-slot centrifuge, 5 pairs and 1 triple will balance 13 tubes, as is described in the comment you replied to.
Here’s a video that also explains it: The Centrifuge Problem - Numberphile
If you don’t want to figure out some awkward balancing techniques, you can just use a balance tube. Fill a tube with water to a similar height of the tube it opposes.
Why did you build a death ray?
To take over the world.
No, I mean, what mad hypothesis are you testing? Are you just making mad observations?
Look, I’m just trying to take over the world. That’s all.
You’re at least going to leave some of the world as a mad control group, right?
Sad fact: most “mad scientists” are actually mad engineers.
(Borrowed from a Cowbirds in Love strip which at the time of this writing is inaccessible.)
I’ve heard an unbalanced ultracentrifuge explode and have seen the aftermath. Now that’s mad science!
Don’t worry, that’s actually perfectly balanced. That’s the mad part