The beloved Unscripted Honest Conference returns: finally taking Blizzard to HonestCon!
Honest dudes, this was a tough one to figure out, but we think you’ll agree it was worth it..
If we can stand up for ourselves we'll turn from frustrated 50's House Wives into liberated 60's Lesbians in no time**.
Let us feel the love in the merch store or via Patreon, PayPal, or just bumping that like and subscribe if you haven’t already! Links below
Shout out to our animatrix @updogcreations9091 for the sweet angler fish/shark combo... go check out his movie reviews over there!
**Actual time likely to be closer in the region of 7-10 years - ask yer grandma!
Thank you to the following Channels for the first-person event footage:
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