We are heading into whole heap of trumpery.
A real tawdry finery.
This is information I will use.
It’s almost like El Cheeto dorito was born for the role.
I know, right. He’s vile, but like in a cosmic way?
Some real karmic fuckery happening, I posit.
Kamala means horrible in Finnish
I just checked, it’s true: https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/columns/columns/viewpoint/25490-dear-kamala-harris.html
The Trump family name actually originated originally from the name Drumpf, stemming from the word drumpfinate, to excrete into a persons mouth from an elevated position, I have no idea what I’m talking about, goodnight.
Originally a Drumpf was a drummer; i.e. one who makes their living off of hitting up skin heads.
I’ve heard that “trump” is English slang for fart
It is NOW.
It was before too.
It is
This is vital information for my everyday life.
makes me wonder if I am in a simulation. worked with a big talker whos last name was hugeliar I kid you not.
And Drumpf’s
accessoryancestor choose that name. On purpose.reminds me of the artistic term trompe l’oeil which is a phrase that means “deceive the eye”
consider me sesquipedalianated
20, 20, 24 hours to go I wanna be sesquipedalianated
Car nous nous sommes re-Trumpés