Not that it made sense in context
Your brain is stinky.
Is c/disneyvacation a thing here?
! does exist, but it’s not that active.
Has anyone made /c/Disneyvacation yet?
There’s also !
That’s awesome, thanks stranger!
Wikihow to drop your shoulder and nonchalantly roll away from a toxic work colleague with unwanted sexual intentions.
“Millennial Zombies Make Dinner Plans”
Jessica could see that Billy was an attractive mate. Unfortunately, his sensitivity triggered her lizard brain to judge him as a poor protector.
“You brain reeks lol” “No u lol”
how to detect early signs of brainrot
When you both have the same type of brainrot
wanna do drugs?
“Stinky head!”
“Lol, yeah”
average wikihow article
Let’s have hot brain for lunch